What's included

    1. Week One

    2. Week Two

    3. Week Three

    4. Week Four

About this course

  • $120.00
  • 8 hours of video content
  • 30 days of access
Spring is coming, and with it, a renewed hope for the warmth and bounty of the growing season. The early botanical markers of spring encourage dormant pieces of ourselves to reemerge as well.
This four-part course will explore ways we can link these ephemeral spring symbols with our own experiences, bolstering our hopes for the rest of the year. We begin with a ritual and tarot reading for the Equinox, then Coleman will share some folklore and magical properties of a few of her most cherished spring wildflowers, and recount the encounters she's had with them in the wild. Each student will have an opportunity to engage in their own fieldwork project, choosing a plant to form a magical relationship with in the remainder of class and beyond.

What we'll explore

In this four-part course, we will explore . . .

  • How to collaborate with flowers as magical allies in the Spring season and beyond

  • How to craft a flower talisman to support your intentions this Spring

  • How to use the tarot as a supportive tool when forming relationships to plant spirits

Conspire and collude with the magic of flowers

Your Instructor

Coleman Stevenson

@darkexact on Instagram

Coleman Stevenson (she/her) is the author of three collections of poems (Light Sleeper, Breakfast, and The Accidental Rarefication of Pattern #5609), several books about the Tarot including The Dark Exact Tarot Guide, and a book of essays on creativity accompanying the card game Metaphysik. Her writing has appeared in a variety of literary journals and the anthology Motionless from the Iron Bridge. In addition to her work as a designer of tarot and oracle decks through her company The Dark Exact, her fine art work, exhibited in galleries around the US, focuses on the intersections between image and text. She has been a guest curator for various gallery spaces in the Portland, Oregon, area, and has taught poetry, tarot, design theory, and cultural studies at a number of different institutions there, most currently at Literary Arts and the Portland Art Museum.


  • How long will I have access to the workshop recording?

    Each workshop recording is available for 30 days after purchase — we are not able to extend your access or grant you a refund for your purchase if you're unable to watch the recording in this time frame.

  • Is this a live class?

    No — this listing is for a recording replay of a live, digital class we've hosted in the past. If you're a busy witch and weren't able to make it to the live gathering, this is the perfect opportunity to access the magic on your own time!

  • What's included with my purchase?

    Your purchase includes 30 days of access to a recording of the workshop. Supplementary materials such as workshop slides, workbooks, and PDFs are not included with your purchase.

  • This instructor is rad! How can I find more of their work?

    Aren't our instructors amazing? You can find the Instagram handle for this babe in their instructor bio.