What's included

    1. Workshop recording

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 30 days of access
Without discounting our past or current experience of scarcity, we can name the ways we’ve made space for scarcity in our internal landscape. When we identify the ways scarcity lives in our bodies we are offered an opportunity to interrupt the dominance of its presence.
Scarcity is the belief that there is not enough or we are not enough. At a different place on that spectrum we can locate abundance, and the sensation of abundance; there is enough, I am enough. Both our experience of material survival and our cultural narratives surrounding money can bring constriction, tightness, and rigidity into our energetic relationship with money. To have the relationship that we deserve, we must intentionally invite and nourish expansion, possibility, pleasure, fun, and sensuality into our money life.

Dream into abundance and claim sovereignty over your finances

Your Instructor

Jessie Susannah Karnatz

@money.witch on Instagram

Jessie Susannah Karnatz (she/her) AKA the Money Witch, brings capitalism-critical, shame-free education to healers, hustlers, and creatives in order to catalyze change in their financial lives. She believes healing our finances will bring blessing to our lives, our lineages, and our communities. She uses her intuitive abilities, her experience as a tax preparer and bookkeeper, and the collected wisdom of her financial coaching practice to help people live more peacefully with their money. She's also a priestess of the egregore of money, which means she facilitates a relationship between our collective consciousness of money and individual members of the collective for the purpose of healing.


  • How long will I have access to the workshop recording?

    Each workshop recording is available for 30 days after purchase — we are not able to extend your access or grant you a refund for your purchase if you're unable to watch the recording in this time frame.

  • Is this a live class?

    No — this listing is for a recording replay of a live, digital class we've hosted in the past. If you're a busy witch and weren't able to make it to the live gathering, this is the perfect opportunity to access the magic on your own time!

  • What's included with my purchase?

    Your purchase includes 30 days of access to a recording of the workshop. Supplementary materials such as workshop slides, workbooks, and PDFs are not included with your purchase.

  • This instructor is rad! How can I find more of their work?

    Aren't our instructors amazing? You can find the Instagram handle for this babe in their instructor bio.