What's included

    1. Divination 101: Tea Leaf Reading

About this class

  • $40.00
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 30 days of access
When we practice divination, we reaffirm the magic and potency of our inner voice — our intuition. During the autumn months, our intuitive senses are at their peak, and as we press towards the heart of the dark season, the veil between realms grows thin, allowing messages from our inner selves, helping spirits, and ancestors to come through with greater clarity. The season of the witch is the ideal time to cultivate a divinatory practice. In this three-week series led by Jezmina Von Thiele, we'll explore the divinatory method and tools for building a relationship with your intuitive self: through tasseomancy.

What we'll explore

This workshop is for you if you feel drawn to:

  • Learn about the culture and history of tea leaf and coffee readings

  • Explore different ways to prepare for the ritual of tasseomancy

  • Explore the different techniques and methods for reading cups

When we practice divination, we reaffirm the magic and potency of our inner voice — our intuition.

Your Teacher

Jezmina Von Thiele

@jezmina.vonthiele on Instagram

Jezmina Von Thiele (they/she) is a writer, educator, and fortune teller in their mixed Romani tradition, dealing in tarot, palms, and tea leaves. They have poetry, fiction, and non-fiction published in Narrative Magazine, Prairie Schooner, and other journals under the name Jessica Reidy. They are a co-host of Romanistan podcast alongside Paulina Verminski, and they discuss Roma, roots, and rebels, and sometimes witchy topics too.


  • How long will I have access to the workshop recording?

    Each workshop recording is available for 30 days after purchase — we are not able to extend your access or grant you a refund for your purchase if you're unable to watch the recording in this time frame.

  • Is this a live class?

    No — this listing is for a recording replay of a live, digital class we've hosted in the past. If you're a busy witch and weren't able to make it to the live gathering, this is the perfect opportunity to access the magic on your own time!

  • What's included with my purchase?

    Your purchase includes 30 days of access to a recording of the workshop. Supplementary materials such as workshop slides, workbooks, and PDFs are not included with your purchase.

  • This instructor is rad! How can I find more of their work?

    Aren't our instructors amazing? You can find the Instagram handle for this babe in their instructor bio.