What's included

    1. GMT20240427-190216_Recording_1760x900

    2. HYT_ThoughtContainers

    3. Money Altar Coloring Book Page

    4. Six Portals Worksheet

About this class

  • $40.00
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 30 days of access

What we'll explore

different aspects of how to connect with your ancestry for healing, blessing, and empowerment… all rooted in the values of love & liberation.

  • using our voices as sacred conduits of magical & spiritual energy in order to both communicate with and channel spiritual energy

  • how to connect with a variety of ancestors (human and other than human) through sound, song, and speech

  • remembering how to communicate with the living Earth around us

  • speaking your truth as ancestral healing

Your Teacher

Espen Artio

Espen Artio (they/them) is a queer, nonbinary folk magic practitioner, mystic, herbalist, and witch. They have studied and been initiated into various spiritual and energetic modalities, blending their backgrounds in earth honoring traditions, energy healing, herbalism, folk magic, traditional witchcraft, naturalist studies, and trauma magic as the foundations of their personal gnosis and work in the world.


  • How long will I have access to the workshop recording?

    Each workshop recording is available for 30 days after purchase — we are not able to extend your access or grant you a refund for your purchase if you're unable to watch the recording in this time frame.

  • Is this a live class?

    No — this listing is for a recording replay of a live, digital class we've hosted in the past. If you're a busy witch and weren't able to make it to the live gathering, this is the perfect opportunity to access the magic on your own time!

  • What's included with my purchase?

    Your purchase includes 30 days of access to a recording of the workshop. Supplementary materials such as workshop slides, workbooks, and PDFs are not included with your purchase.

  • This instructor is rad! How can I find more of their work?

    Aren't our instructors amazing? You can find the Instagram handle for this babe in their instructor bio.